Skin cleansing
Skin cleansing is perhaps the most commonly preferred reason for taking care of your skin. A feeling of skin congestion, inactivity and general discomfort when applying makeup may trigger the need for skin cleansing. In traditional skin cleansing, the skin is heated by steaming and impurities are removed mechanically by hand picking.
Greasy skin
Oily skin then has its own issue. Oily skin produces more sebum than necessary. A lot of skin worms, i.e. blackheads, are born. As sebum expands the pore for a long time, its ability to recover decreases => enlarged skin pores. That's why cleaning the skin often enough together with the right home care helps the skin stay, e.g. solid and sinewy.
Skin congestion
Congestion of the skin may be caused by dryness, due to which the surface of the skin is tight and tight, in which case the skin's normal sebum does not reach the surface but clogs the pore and causes the beginning of the problem: the pimple. When pimples or skinworms (dark spots) increase, more cleansing home care products are usually used, which may dry out the skin, so the cycle is complete. To break this cycle, a cosmetologist is needed, who cleans the skin and advises on customized home care.
Skin shine
Surface dryness of the skin is again a consequence/cause of skin pimples and congestion. When trying to tame pimples, you may dry out the skin with products that are too light, causing the skin to produce more sebum for protection. Due to the dryness, not all the sebum reaches the surface and the congestion of the skin leaves even a light care product on the surface of the skin to increase the shine. The cycle of shiny skin is complete, because we want to remove the shine by using products that suppress sebum production, which can cause the skin to dry out too much. The simplest and often the cheapest way to break this cycle of skin polishing is to use a professional in the field, i.e. a cosmetologist.