' Teeth whitening – Kauneuskeskus Pinjami

Teeth whitening

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Get yourself a fresher smile with Zental whitening.

Zental teeth whitening lightens teeth by 3-9 shade levels. A clean and healthy mouth communicates well-being - especially when creating a first impression in meetings, job interviews or, for example, on a date, white teeth, a clean and healthy mouth will be noticed. Whitening is suitable for people over 16 years old and the results last 6-24 months.
Teeth whitening is performed on a healthy mouth and the procedure is completely safe. The whitening agent developed by dentists meets all EU health authority certificates. Bleach is a very gentle and completely painless whitening method. Research shows that teeth whitening is safe and effective when the client's teeth and gums are healthy.

With Zental whitening, you get a wonderful, healthy and natural-looking end result. The treatment procedure is comfortable and easy and does not cause irritation. You don't have to give up coffee, tea or red wine either.

Why do teeth get dark and stained?

For each of us, the color of the teeth is personal, just like the color of the eyes. Over the years, coffee, tea, smoking and other colored foods and drinks cause the teeth to darken and stain.

Discoloration is also part of the aging process. The natural discoloration in the tooth bone is mainly caused by genes and organic ingredients, which appears as a translucent impure layer on the tooth. Other natural causes of tooth discoloration can be, for example, accidents, bleeding, darkening of a single tooth, excessive intake of tetracycline (antibiotic) or fluoride as a child. However, the most common reason is the wear of the teeth with age. These stains need intensive use of the teeth whitening method to make the teeth bright and pure white.

How does teeth whitening work?

Zental teeth whitening is a professional method that changes the chemical structure of the molecules that caused the discoloration and the end result of the process is naturally white teeth. The treatment method does not remove stains completely, but makes them invisible. The active ingredients in the whitening gel are sodium perborate and sodium bicarbonate .

Device whitening is a fast and effective treatment method, the results of which are already visible after 30 minutes of treatment. The lamp is used to enhance teeth whitening and improve the end result. The entire treatment takes about an hour.

What is the final result of teeth whitening?

Basically, all customers' teeth are 3-9 degrees lighter in the shade map. For example, yellowed and darkened teeth lighten several shades and are therefore whitened more effectively than already lighter teeth.

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Services and prices

Zental teeth whitening
