' Now is the time to treat your skin to winter condition with microneedl – Kauneuskeskus Pinjami

Now is the time to treat your skin to winter condition with microneedling

Dry feeling on the skin, pigmentation disorders caused by the sun i.e. liver spots, skin lines, acne scars... you can find an effective treatment for these with microneedling, which has gained great popularity in the world. In this blog, we introduce you to the secrets of Dermapen4 treatment.

What exactly happens in microneedling? Juju lies in renewing the skin and starting collagen production. Microchannels, i.e. small holes, are made in the skin with a pen-style microneedling device, Dermapen. Needling stimulates the skin's collagen production through these channels and the active ingredients are absorbed deeper into the skin layer.

- So-called controlled trauma is caused to the skin, and when it is done with the help of the Dermapen4 device, the holes become perpendicular, so the skin is not damaged, says specialist cosmetologist Susa Heimsch from Pinjam.

Microneedling therefore initiates a biological process in the skin, where the skin begins to produce collagen and heal itself. From the age of thirty, the skin's collagen decreases dramatically. Microneedling helps and improves the skin's own process.

The treatment helps, among other things, with lines, skin around the eyes, "hamster lines" around the mouth and laugh lines. You can also get help with grayness and lifelessness of the skin with needling when the blood circulation of the skin improves. Healthy skin also makes you feel better overall.

In particular, microneedling should be considered for the treatment of acne scars, enlarged skin pores, dryness and firming of the skin. The treatment strengthens the skin and fades, for example, couperosa. Acupuncture also effectively treats pigmentation disorders, i.e. liver spots. The treatment breaks down pigment deposits and the skin color becomes more even.

Does microneedling hurt?

Dermapen4 treatment causes less trauma to the skin and therefore also causes less pain, swelling and bleeding. Because of this, the Dermapen4 treatment is also safer than many more invasive treatment options. With short needle lengths, the treatment is painless.

- Even a person with a low pain threshold dares to come for treatment, encourages Susa Heimsch.

Dermapen's patented needle head has 16 tiny needles, which allow more microchannels to be made in the skin at once, which in turn gives better treatment results. The treatment head moves evenly, painlessly and softly on the skin, utilizing the unprecedented transport system of meso-glide technology.

When is the best time for needling?

Right now in autumn, when it starts to get dark and you don't have to be careful of the sun right after the treatment. After the summer, the skin is dry and there are a lot of pigment deposits, which can be broken up with treatment and the skin can be moisturized again.

One week after the treatment, you have to be really careful with the skin, so you should schedule the treatment at a time when the skin can recover in peace. Immediately after the treatment, the face may turn red.

It is recommended to have at least three treatments. Of course, you can always only take one at a time, but it works more like a skin-brightening treatment.

- Of course, it depends on what is being treated. The age of the client also has an effect on the need for the number of treatment sessions, and how old the pigment spots are, for example. Three to six times is a good standard treatment, says Susa Heimsch.

The treatment interval also depends on the problem being treated, but the rule of thumb is actually this: the older the person, the longer the treatment interval. The length of the time interval is due to the skin's ability to regenerate, young skin heals faster, while older skin needs more time to recover.

When to choose Dermapen treatment?

So how do you know that microneedling is your thing? The choice of treatment depends a lot on the type of treatment you are looking for. A person with, for example, acne so bad that other treatments have not worked, chooses microneedling.

Microneedling is one treatment option for, for example, acid treatment. Of course, it is not the only solution for treating acne, for example, but if the skin already has scars caused by acne, Dermapen is an effective alternative for fading scars.

- Whatever the form of treatment, the most important thing is home care! If you do not follow the beautician's instructions between treatments at home, the results will not be as good as you would like. You have to commit to skin care, emphasizes Susa Heimsch.

The results of the treatment can be seen immediately after the first treatment, but significant and long-lasting results are only visible after 3-6 treatments. The condition of the skin will therefore improve gradually and even over the course of six months or even a year, if you continue to treat it with the recommended home care products.

Of course, there are skin types and symptoms when microneedling cannot be done. These generally include various skin diseases, warts, solar keratosis... If the customer has drug allergies and other allergies, there may be obstacles to microneedling. Or, for example, if there is a fresh surgery scar on the face, you have to wait until the scar has healed sufficiently. Acupuncture treatment is also not performed during pregnancy, breastfeeding and antibiotic treatment. The skin in these cases is very different and sensitive compared to normal.

- It's always worth coming to us for a consultation first to talk about treatment options, especially if it's the first time. Let's talk through the options and at the same time find out that there are no underlying diseases or issues that prevent acupuncture treatment, says Susa Heimsch.