Give yourself some time. You will survive.
When was the last time you remembered to think about your own health? Do it now.
Coping with everyday life and staying strong have been strongly emphasized recently. Our endurance is being tested and topics related to mental health are on the surface, not in the filter. Because of the corona pandemic, for example, we are constantly worried. We are concerned about the health and well-being of loved ones, friends and communities. On top of all the worries, the rush at work and household chores can cause stress.
When worries and sorrows about other people are on the surface, or when we get caught up in the flow of work and the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we can easily forget ourselves.
Stopping at one's own state and the sensations of the body is important to take care of and care for oneself, without being selfish at all. However, in any case, you don't need only sorrows and worries to stop. If things are good, it's empowering to notice. In this case, it is easier to focus your thoughts on gratitude and happiness, and on the reasons that have led to it.
In the words of the wise writer, Maya Angelou ( free translation ), the older you get, the more you realize you have two hands. One to help yourself and one to help others. If we don't remember to take care of ourselves, we can't take care of each other either.
Allow yourself some time, you have a right to it
It's good to have routines in everyday life that you stick to. A healthy and varied diet, sufficient amount of sleep and good quality of sleep, and exercise bring balance to well-being.
Be good to yourself and take a moment of your own as a routine. You have every right to your own time. Then put aside the things you can't control and focus only on yourself.
For example, yoga, meditation, doing handicrafts, walking in the forest, sauna, relaxing massage or taking care of your own skin and body can help you relax and recover.
With the power of relaxation and well-being rituals, you strengthen your mind and mental endurance and remind yourself of who you really are and what you want from your life.
Feeling good from aromatherapy?
The senses, in this case especially the sense of smell, are strongly linked to emotions and the mind. Scents have been used throughout the ages in methods of mental well-being.
Could your own moment of relaxation be found in aromatherapy and aroma massage? Aromatherapy is a comprehensive and versatile form of treatment that aims to achieve a balance of mind, psyche and body.
The purest plant extracts and essential oils extend their power deep into the skin as well as the mind. The overall effect of soothing Aromatherapy is immense – a perfect harmony of the treatment's power and gentleness.
The Darphin aromatic oils used in Pinjam's aroma massage pamper your senses, and the care products give your everyday life a little calming moment while making skin care a pleasure. Aroma massage caresses all your senses, awakens the beauty of your skin and gives you a much-needed feeling of well-being.
The scents of essential oils cause different brain chemical reactions in your brain. Depending on the ingredients in the oil, they can strengthen and energize, relax or help focus.
When you give yourself time to relax and calm down, you become more aware of yourself and the world around you. Aromatic oils are very supportive of finding awareness and presence.
Aroma massage and therapy is a safe form of treatment when you know what is being done and what strength oils are used. That's why it's good to have a moment of relaxation in an expert treatment center. However, talk to a doctor and an expert beautician before aromatherapy treatment, because essential oils are not suitable for everyone. For example, essential oil can cause hypersensitivity reactions.
Share your good thoughts with others
When you give yourself time and find the most suitable way to calm down and relax, you will find a good mood. Consciously find things you are grateful for and think about them for a moment. Positivity and happiness, a feeling of happiness and good mood are usually found through gratitude, and the circle is complete.
When you are empowered and energetic, you can also help others. By taking care of yourself, you take care of your loved ones. And if you have the opportunity to get, say, a gift card to pamper your friend or loved one, do it. Both will feel good.